
breaking fast

td da siap2 nk g claz...da la claz start at 6pm - 8pm..da ready nnk bukk pin2 da nie,,skali wawa call gtaw yg calz cancel...cis bedebah !!! aku da siap2 da nk kua umh nie...huhuhu..glak sorg2 jap kt dpn pin2 2..pas2 pe lgi...ganti la bju n sua..pas2 tros grab lappy n on9...hehe..

erm,so arini kte buke mkn megi jer laa....sbb kdai kt bwh 2 rsenye ttp..maybe da blk rye kot...hehehe..tp ok jgk mkn megi,,sdp jer aku msk..hehehe..lgpon bly budget ckeet..:DD 4 2moro,,i hve no idea 4 breaking fst..erm,,xdecide lg pon..on friday mama n ibu ajk g buke wif sumone at some place..xtaw la spe n kt mne dorg nk bwk,,tp i hve claz ku 2 -5pm..erm,,ok jgk kn klu buke ngan dorg..xde la kua budget..hihihi....

lg bpe ari jer nk rye da..n im caculating bpe byk klai jer yg aku ua buke kt lua..the rest of it,,sume buke kt umh sorg2..tp quiet cool gak buke sorg2..hehehe..xde spe nk kaco n i eat the dishes sorg2,,xpyh share2..hehhee...sounds greedy la pulok..huhuhu..

now im waiting time 2 cook my hawtest ever home made maggi curry..hehehee....hurrmm,,pe la nsb..pndi msk megi jer,,bnde len ????hampeeehh..hehehe..bile la nk pndi msk ek...sabo je la jang uii~~

dats it 4 now.....SLAMAT BERBUKE....


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